ancient science of Ayurveda
Ayurveda Treatment for PCOD
The health of women considerably affects the health of the future generation and the wellness of the family. Across the lifespan of a woman, she experiences unique health challenges than that of men. As a woman goes through significant changes in her hormone levels from a young age to a later period, she needs special care in different stages of life. For over a decade and more, Ayurveda, the science of life has enabled women to combat these issues effectively. The most commonly sought after issue concerning women is PCOD treatment.
A few common health issues faced by women are:
- Infertility
- Menstrual disorder
- Menopause Syndrome
Ayurvedic way of living suggests structuring one’s life by incorporating a proper diet and regimen that balances the physical, mental and spiritual health of a person.
PCOD is a common hormonal condition that affects ovaries and their functions during their reproductive age. To ensure that all bodily functions are happening in a smooth manner, several hormones are working in harmony. For a woman suffering from PCOD, this balance becomes out of sync. These irregularities give rise to various health issues like irregular menstruation, weight gain, infertility, acne, constipation, high cholesterol etc. These conditions, if left untreated, might result in health issues like diabetes, heart conditions etc which can become fatal.
More than a fair share of women are not even aware that they are suffering from PCOD. Though not a disease, an early diagnosis of PCOD can help save a person from developing it into other complications like infertility, diabetes, endometrial cancer, depression, or heart disease. There is no specific plan for hormonal imbalance treatment, but a few changes in diet and lifestyle can help manage it.
Infertility is the biological condition of a man or a woman of reproductive age to not be able to contribute to conception. In the case of women, it may also refer to their biological inability to carrying a pregnancy to reach its full term.
Infertility treatment in Ayurveda is not just focused on the treatment of the reproductive system, but psychological aspects as well. There can be more than one reason for infertility in women, as a defective cervical canal, blockage in fallopian tubes, presence of fibroids in the uterus or uterine polyps.
The treatment starts with the rejuvenation of reproductive channels and balancing the metabolism. Focus is given on nourishing the shukradhathu with rasayanas and herbal medicines as well as panchakarma treatments.
Menopause is a biological condition where a woman goes through a transition from reproductive to non-reproductive state due to a gradual decrease in female hormones. The transition takes place over a period of time and occurs as the body starts ageing.
Menopausal Syndrome, also known as Climacteric, can be categorized into three: acute, subacute and chronic syndrome. Acute symptoms occur around the period of menopause which may appear suddenly or gradually. Some of the acute symptoms also include somatic symptoms including dizziness, palpitations, headache, irregular heartbeat, mood swings, depression etc. Subacute symptoms develop gradually which may even be after a few years of menopause.
Menopause is termed as ‘Raja Nivrutti’ in Ayurveda. Rather than terming it as a disease, Ayurveda finds it a process of natural ageing. With the passing of ages, the natural balance of dosha gets affected, leading to a vitiation of Vata dosha in a woman’s body. According to Ayurveda, pitta and Kapha dosha in a woman tends to decrease with age and hence results in a Vata dosha imbalance.
The Ayurvedic approach in managing menopause syndrome is through rejuvenation for which Rasayana therapy is conducted which is proven effective in developing resistance against diseases, mental and body health as well. Lifestyle changes and dietary stipulations, along with herbal medications and Yoga is advised for the patient along with Panchakarma therapy for detoxification. All four factors contribute equally in managing the difficulties in check. Pranayama and Yoga can help relieve conditions like knee pain, backache, stress etc.
One should abstain from having packages, cold, processed or canned food. Always try to include home-cooked meals and reduce the intake of cheese, ice cream and curd. The Diet plan needs to be amended to include dosha specific meals to reduce the symptoms.
As important as it is to keep the body healthy is to maintain healthy digestion that is free of ama or toxins.
Suggested Medications:
Shatavari, Ashvagandha, Chandrashur, Shankh pushpa, Bala, Ginger, Shata pushpa, Black grams etc need to be taken under proper guidance.
Therapies like Udwarthana (powder massage), Abhyanga (traditional ayurvedic massage), Vasti (herbal detoxification), Shirodhara (Pouring lukewarm medicated liquid over the head), Abhyanga (Whole body massage and steam treatment), helps to balance the impaired dosha and. Yoga plays a major role in balancing the body hormone rhythm.
Duration: 2-3 weeks as per the condition of the patient and duration of the disease.