Cancer Treatment
Stay healthy with
ancient science of Ayurveda

Ayurveda Cancer Treatment

Our bodies are made up of billions of cells that grow in a well-controlled, organised, and programmed manner to keep the body growing and working appropriately. New cells are born as old or damaged cells die in our bodies. If this natural rhythm is disrupted, the cells in our bodies will behave abnormally, which is one of the main causes of cancer. 

We at Madukkakuzhy Ayurveda believe that Ayurveda cancer treatment is effective and recent days research works also support us in providing high-quality result-oriented therapies to the patients.

Granthi (non-malignant tumours and cysts) and Arbuda (cancerous tumours and cysts) are two terms in Ayurveda for tumours and cancers (malignant tumours or cancer). An imbalance in one of the three basic doshas—Vata, Pitta, or Kapha—causes non-malignant growths. On the other hand, malignant tumours and malignancies are Tridoshaja, which implies they involve all three doshas. Pollution, stress, nutrition, genetic predisposition, carcinogen exposure, and radiation exposure are common causes. Because of the lack of therapy, unhealed tumours and cysts might turn malignant.

Ayurveda treatment employs an integrative strategy that accomplishes three goals: addressing the fundamental cause, lowering secondary symptoms, and improving the quality of life.


Shirodhara is a technique that allows a small continuous thread-like stream of a specified fluid to flow over the forehead from the Dhara vessel at a certain height for a set amount of time. The fluids are taken into account in relation to the treatment. In most cases, ayurvedic herbal oils or medicinal fluids such as buttermilk or milk are employed. This treatment corrects the host’s problems by removing ama (toxins) from the body. During cancer treatment, Shirodhara therapy helps you control your stress levels better.

The oil is allowed to flow through the scalp and hair. Later on, it’s mixed in with massage. Typical massages are shallow, and they can only reduce muscle discomfort and stress. On the other hand, Shirodhara is a magical massage that exfoliates dead skin cells, relieves physical stress, restores Doshic imbalances, removes toxins, relieves muscle tension, and assures normal fluidic flow in the body. Aside from these physiological changes, Shirodhara can help people reclaim their mental health by addressing anxiety, despair, and stress.

Taila Dhara or Sneha Dhara

Oil is referred to as Sneha or Taila. Sneha Dhara uses taila or ghee, an ayurvedic herbal oil. Herbal oils are combined with other essential oils by Ayurvedic practitioners. Pitta and Vata doshas are efficiently treated with Lakshadi and Dhanvantaram oils. Vata and Kapha Doshas are treated with warm oils, whilst Pitta Dosha is treated with cold oils (oil at room temperature). For Pitta imbalances, use Chandan Bala Lakshadi oil.

Ksheera Dhara or Dugdha Dhara

Milk is referred to as Dugdha or Ksheera. Dugdha Dhara is made using milk that has been infused with herbs. The medicated milk is utilised in the treatment after being heated to mild temperatures. It is used to correct Vata and Pitta Dosha imbalances. Headaches, stress, anxiety, insomnia, and mental strain can all be relieved with therapy.

Takra Dhara

Takra is a type of buttermilk prepared by diluting curd. Herbal infusions are added to buttermilk. It is a therapy for people who suffer from Vata Dosha imbalances. Nervous weakness, weariness, anorexia, and a lack of vigour can all be treated with this medication. Burning, cracking, and itching of the feet are common symptoms of exacerbated Vata Dosha, and these problems can be alleviated with Takra Dhara.

Cancer Treatment

How Shirodhara works?

Shirodhara has a strong effect on the nervous system. It balances Vata Dosha, soothes and strengthens the nervous system, releases repressed emotions, and purifies the mind. This therapy, according to Ayurvedic doctors, can be utilised to achieve higher states of awareness.

Shirodhara stimulates key spots on the head, resulting in increased blood circulation. Massaging allows the oil or other fluids to penetrate deeper into the scalp layers, creating a relaxing sensation and acting on the peripheral nerves in the forehead. Migraines can be relieved with massage.

The dilatation of blood vessels caused by lukewarm herbal oils or milk helps the body’s circulatory system. Blood pressure can be reduced as a result of enhanced blood circulation.


Pranayama Yoga

Yoga breathing was found to be a viable intervention for cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy. Pranayama can help with sleep problems, anxiety, and mental health. Pranayama was found to have a dose–response association with chemotherapy-related symptoms and quality of life improvements. 

“Prana” is the word in sanskrit for “breath” or “energy” in the body. “Pranayama” means “breath control.” On a subtle level, Prana signifies the pranic energy responsible for life or life force while “ayama” denotes control. Pranayama literally means “breath control.”

With pranayama, one may manage the cycles of pranic energy and develop a healthy body and mind. In his Yoga Sutras, Patanjali describes pranayama as a technique for achieving higher awareness states, and Breath-holding is a crucial practise for obtaining Samadhi, according to him. Hatha Yoga also covers eight different types of pranayama, or breathing exercises that assist the body and mind stay in shape.

Prana, Apana, Vyan, Udana, and Samana are the five forms of prana that are responsible for diverse pranic processes in the body. Prana and Apana are the most significant of them. Prana flows upward, whereas Apana flows downward. Pranayama practice brings these pranas’ activities into balance, resulting in a healthy body and mind.


Panchkarma is recommended by Yuktivyapashraya. Panchkarma consists of five steps: oilation, fomentation, and acupressure (these are preparatory stages). Vaman, Virechan, Vasti, Nasya, and Raktmokshan are the next five main purification processes. The possibility of a recurrence of the illness is well realised. Panchkarma assists in the adjustment of Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. Panchkarma is, at the end of the day, a sum cleansing and purifying of each and every unit of the body.

Ayurveda cancer treatment has shown a significant impact in speedy recovery from the effects of post-cancer treatment. Ayurveda has flourished in Kerala. Still, it is practised in Kerala. Kerala has become synonymous with Ayurveda. People have been searching for treatments from the olden scriptures to the modern-day diseases and flooding here in Kerala. Cancer is one such new-age disease people are unable to find a proper medicine to cure. Ayurveda treatment for cancer in Kerala is now stealing the spotlight and has become destiny to many international patients seeking better therapy.

Cancer can be a life taking disease, but Ayurveda gives you the best possible way to lead life peacefully and cure the illness naturally. Health is precious, and doesn’t forget the ancient saying health is wealth. Book your appointment immediately and have yourself treated with the best care centre in entire Kerala.

Rejuvenating Mind, Body
and Soul with Ayurveda

Dr. Jobin Joy

Dr. Jobin Joy Madukkakuzhy Ayurveda Physician and Medical Director Madukkakuzhy Ayurveda India and Germany. He is the 8th generation Ayurveda family member and the founder&medical director of Madukkakuzhy Ayurveda Germany that operates 2 centers. He did his studies under many Ayurveda scholars, Marma specialists, Chiropractors in and outside India and gained experience from Leela Kempinski, Bangalore and Goa.Dr. Jobin has conducted International seminars and awareness programs on Ayurveda since 2006 in Europe, Singapore, Middle East and the United States. He has also worked as a visiting Ayurveda Faculty at ESB Physio School in Bad Neustadt, Germany. He actively promotes authentic Ayurveda in Europe with DAGM (German Medical Association for Ayurveda Medicine.)