ayurvedic diet for allergies

The Ayurvedic Diet for Managing Allergies: Foods to Avoid and Include

Allergies cause a lot of worries and can hinder with daily life. Allergies are a prevalent chronic condition worldwide that arises when the immune system responds to foreign substances. Seasonal changes, certain foods, stress, and pollution are all contributing factors that can worsen allergic reactions in individuals. However, the extent and intensity of allergic reactions can vary between individuals. While some people experience mild discomfort, others face severe and potentially life-threatening responses. Therefore, adequate treatment is essential for patients with various allergic conditions.

“Every season can be allergy season, depending on what you’re allergic to” Clara Chung.

Allergies can be visible in various forms such as
● Rashes
● Coughing
● Wheezing
● Sneezing
● Headaches
● Nausea
● Runny Nose
● Swollen eyes, lips, mouth or throat
● Tenderness around cheeks, eyes or forehead

It is therefore advisable to identify the triggers that cause your allergies and avoid them entirely. Some people opt for allopathic treatments, while some people prefer Ayurvedic treatments for alleviating allergy symptoms.
Ayurveda is a traditional Indian system of medicine that focuses on balancing the body and mind through diet, lifestyle, and natural remedies. Ayurveda provides effective allergy treatments with minimal side effects. While it is always recommended to consult a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner before making significant changes to your diet, there are some general principles that can be helpful in managing allergies. Madukkakuzhy Ayurveda,  leading Ayurveda centre in kerala primarily recommends lifestyle changes and appropriate modifications to the daily diet to improve health, along with Ayurvedic treatments for allergies. Going against your nature (Prakriti) with your diet or lifestyle can lead to imbalances in the body, which can be addressed through Ayurvedic diet treatment.

Ayurvedic Diet for Managing Allergies

When it comes to allergies, an Ayurvedic diet focuses on balancing the body’s energies and reducing inflammation to alleviate symptoms. Diet plays a significant role in managing allergies. While some foods can trigger allergic reactions, others may help alleviate allergy symptoms. Some foods have been shown to worsen existing allergies.
Which foods can be consumed when experiencing an allergic reaction? What all food groups should be avoided? Let’s discuss about Ayurvedic Diet for allergies in detail.

What to Eat

Focus on fresh, whole foods: It is better to choose fresh, unprocessed foods as much as possible. Consuming plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds are all good choices. Also, try to consume plant-based alternatives like almond milk or coconut milk.
Favor warming, cooked foods: Make sure to include cooked foods in your diet. Choose cooked foods over raw foods, as these are easier to digest. Foods that are warming, such as ginger, cinnamon, and black pepper, can help stimulate digestion and improve immunity.
Use digestive spices: To aid digestion, Ayurveda uses a variety of spices, including ginger, turmeric, cumin, coriander, and fennel. These spices can help reduce inflammation, stimulate faster digestion, and boost immunity.
Drink herbal tea: To reduce inflammation and soothe allergy symptoms, herbal teas are a good choice. The best herbal teas include nettle, chamomile, and peppermint
Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to help flush out toxins and reduce inflammation.

What to Avoid

Avoid dairy and heavy foods: Avoid foods that are difficult to digest, such as processed and fried foods, as well as dairy and heavy meats.
Avoid processed sugar and refined carbohydrates: These foods can worsen inflammation and weaken the immune system, aggravating allergy symptoms.
Avoid or limit alcohol, caffeine, and sugary drinks: Avoid or limit alcohol, caffeine, and sugary drinks, as these can aggravate allergy symptoms.

Food Combinations to Avoid

To maintain optimal health, certain food combinations should be avoided while following an Ayurvedic diet.
● Milk, fruit, or yogurt should not be combined with milk.
● Avoid consuming dairy items containing animal protein, such as milk, cheese, cream, and eggs.
● A meal should not have both heavy and light items, such as cheese and crackers.

Ayurvedic Detox Diet
Detoxification of the body and soul is important to maintain balance. Ayurveda Detox treatments are 2-3 weeks of treatment that are advised to remove the toxins, followed by correction in diet and lifestyle.

Ayurvedic Diet for allergies

At Madukkakuzhy Ayurveda, we provide a systematic Ayurvedic vegetarian diet. Ayurveda recommends detoxifying on a regular basis to eliminate toxins and return to your innate state of health and well-being. “Ayurvedic herbal combinations and therapies help to root out the fat soluble and water soluble toxins from the body by Panchakarma detoxification therapies. Therapies are designed according to the body type and health status of the individual. Detox helps improve the circulation of the blood and lymphatic systems, filter toxins from the body, and nourish it with essential nutrients. “Detox diet plan at Madukkakuzhy Ayurveda is a complete treatment that you should try once to feel the difference,” says Dr Jobin Jacob Madukkakuzhy Ayurveda Physician & Medical Director, Madukkakuzhy Ayurveda India, Germany.

Everyone’s body is different and may experience a different combination of doshas. Depending on gender and life stage, diet differs from one person to the next. What works well for one person may not work for another, as each individual has unique needs. It is always best to consult a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner before making significant changes to your diet.
Madukkakuzhy Ayurveda is here to make everyone happy and healthy through Ayurvedic allergy treatment. Book a consultation to see how the practitioners can help.


Dr. Jobin Joy

Dr. Jobin Joy Madukkakuzhy Ayurveda Physician and Medical Director Madukkakuzhy Ayurveda India and Germany. He is the 8th generation Ayurveda family member and the founder&medical director of Madukkakuzhy Ayurveda Germany that operates 2 centers. He did his studies under many Ayurveda scholars, Marma specialists, Chiropractors in and outside India and gained experience from Leela Kempinski, Bangalore and Goa.Dr. Jobin has conducted International seminars and awareness programs on Ayurveda since 2006 in Europe, Singapore, Middle East and the United States. He has also worked as a visiting Ayurveda Faculty at ESB Physio School in Bad Neustadt, Germany. He actively promotes authentic Ayurveda in Europe with DAGM (German Medical Association for Ayurveda Medicine.)

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